Blog Post Topics
Ghost Culture
Crystals - The Power to Be or Not to Be
Shadow People
How Do Spirits Experience Time
Why is Bob Naked?!
Hunt the Haunted - Public Event
Crystals - The Power to Be or Not to Be
Shadow People
How Do Spirits Experience Time
Why is Bob Naked?!
Hunt the Haunted - Public Event
Ghost Culture
I recently received an email from an individual that has some paranormal activity occurring in his presence that has become more than bothersome to him. This man, I’ll name him William, asked for my help. Now here’s the kicker…he currently lives in Korea and previous to this, lived in France since 2005. Yes, I even get emails asking for help or information from people who reside in other countries. He did not state exactly where he moved from, but it is clear he lived somewhere here in The States before the move to France.
Rather than go into the specifics of his particular case, let me address something that is of great importance. Something that is seriously overlooked by most paranormal investigators when trying to discern the nature of a ghost, or what is happening, why it is happening, and how best to remedy it. Something that is often overlooked trying to understand the paranormal cases they work on. Culture.
Culture is what groups of people know and do. I’m not an expert on this topic, but due to co-teaching one of my classes with a cultural anthropology professor, I’ve learn a thing or two that helps me serve those with ghostly activity better. Learning from my teaching partner has expanded what I teach and how the value of this explanation will better serve and educate my students and the public on the nature of ghosts or as we call them in the paranormal field, entities.
For years I’ve explained that an entity’s persona will reflect what his/her personality was while living amongst us. If Uncle Joe was a jokester this this life, he’s going to a jokester in the next. Barring of course, they are not stuck in a death state or the like (even in a death state, underneath the confusion and sense of being lost, the same person that they once were here in this realm is still there.) So the something I’ve often failed to explain is all the other factors. An entity’s religious beliefs and collective social upbringing while living in this realm will be reflected in an entities behavior too. What defines a person’s culture is their association to a group of people and what they know, do, and believe.
An individual’s beliefs are influenced and defined by the experiences they’ve been exposed to, and the adoption of the specific social and religious confines of where the live, what they are exposed to, and what and/or who they identify themselves with. A Buddhist from India will have a very different view of ghosts than a Catholic from Indiana here in the USA. Essentially, human’s act according to their culture. A set of thoughts, values, and beliefs that determines what they do and how they do it.
William claims he has been experiencing ghostly activity for several years, since about 2001. However, the events and nature of what has been occurring with him has changed more recently. The recent changes are making him very uncomfortable and even frightened at times. This change probably indicates that the original attachment he had is not the same and/ or one in the same now. He has more than likely either moved into a home with an entity attached to it and/or he has picked up another attachment along the way.
In general, there are so many variables when it comes to trying to deduce what specifically may be going on in a haunting case. Some specific to the person, some specific to the location, and some are specific to circumstance. When an investigator is presented with a case like this….it’s a crapshoot. The obvious distance between Korea and me is vast. This makes it almost impossible to offer greatest advice or a quick solution. It just simply cannot be done. Working with a “client” requires a LOT of information to be exchanged. For every answer given by a client, there is another question to be asked. Being a paranormal investigator requires observation, correlation, and deduction. All of those things require a lot of information to be exchanged before the investigation even begins. Not being able to speak to someone in person and at great lengths and not being able to be in the client’s surroundings makes the task of investigating near to impossible. The information an investigator would have comes from the perspective of someone who hasn’t been educated and/or trained to deal with the supernatural. This creates an deficit for both you and the client. The best someone like me can do if offer up some of their knowledge and to offer an opinion.
In my opinion, if culture defines a person, then culture is one of the most important aspects of knowing a person and/or a ghostly entity. Both will act according to how they think they should act. If a person believes while living in this realm that when they die there is no afterlife they will reside in darkness then it’s light out for them when they leave this plane. If a person believes that the dead only attach to a person to protect them or make them ill, then that is what will happen. If a person believes you immediately go to heaven and cannot have contact with the living than more than likely this is what will happen when they themselves pass on from this world. The point I’m making is that a person’s culture ultimately defines how they will experience life on the other side and how they should behave and interact with the living people here…you and me, here and now in this realm we now reside in. Simply put, ghosts’ act how they think they should act….just like us.
So the next time you are wondering why dead Uncle Joe is behaving as he does, and doing what he is doing, you should do some research into Uncle Joe’s life and consider asking Uncle Joe’s family and friends a LOT of questions while keeping your eyes and ears open to all of his surroundings.
I recently received an email from an individual that has some paranormal activity occurring in his presence that has become more than bothersome to him. This man, I’ll name him William, asked for my help. Now here’s the kicker…he currently lives in Korea and previous to this, lived in France since 2005. Yes, I even get emails asking for help or information from people who reside in other countries. He did not state exactly where he moved from, but it is clear he lived somewhere here in The States before the move to France.
Rather than go into the specifics of his particular case, let me address something that is of great importance. Something that is seriously overlooked by most paranormal investigators when trying to discern the nature of a ghost, or what is happening, why it is happening, and how best to remedy it. Something that is often overlooked trying to understand the paranormal cases they work on. Culture.
Culture is what groups of people know and do. I’m not an expert on this topic, but due to co-teaching one of my classes with a cultural anthropology professor, I’ve learn a thing or two that helps me serve those with ghostly activity better. Learning from my teaching partner has expanded what I teach and how the value of this explanation will better serve and educate my students and the public on the nature of ghosts or as we call them in the paranormal field, entities.
For years I’ve explained that an entity’s persona will reflect what his/her personality was while living amongst us. If Uncle Joe was a jokester this this life, he’s going to a jokester in the next. Barring of course, they are not stuck in a death state or the like (even in a death state, underneath the confusion and sense of being lost, the same person that they once were here in this realm is still there.) So the something I’ve often failed to explain is all the other factors. An entity’s religious beliefs and collective social upbringing while living in this realm will be reflected in an entities behavior too. What defines a person’s culture is their association to a group of people and what they know, do, and believe.
An individual’s beliefs are influenced and defined by the experiences they’ve been exposed to, and the adoption of the specific social and religious confines of where the live, what they are exposed to, and what and/or who they identify themselves with. A Buddhist from India will have a very different view of ghosts than a Catholic from Indiana here in the USA. Essentially, human’s act according to their culture. A set of thoughts, values, and beliefs that determines what they do and how they do it.
William claims he has been experiencing ghostly activity for several years, since about 2001. However, the events and nature of what has been occurring with him has changed more recently. The recent changes are making him very uncomfortable and even frightened at times. This change probably indicates that the original attachment he had is not the same and/ or one in the same now. He has more than likely either moved into a home with an entity attached to it and/or he has picked up another attachment along the way.
In general, there are so many variables when it comes to trying to deduce what specifically may be going on in a haunting case. Some specific to the person, some specific to the location, and some are specific to circumstance. When an investigator is presented with a case like this….it’s a crapshoot. The obvious distance between Korea and me is vast. This makes it almost impossible to offer greatest advice or a quick solution. It just simply cannot be done. Working with a “client” requires a LOT of information to be exchanged. For every answer given by a client, there is another question to be asked. Being a paranormal investigator requires observation, correlation, and deduction. All of those things require a lot of information to be exchanged before the investigation even begins. Not being able to speak to someone in person and at great lengths and not being able to be in the client’s surroundings makes the task of investigating near to impossible. The information an investigator would have comes from the perspective of someone who hasn’t been educated and/or trained to deal with the supernatural. This creates an deficit for both you and the client. The best someone like me can do if offer up some of their knowledge and to offer an opinion.
In my opinion, if culture defines a person, then culture is one of the most important aspects of knowing a person and/or a ghostly entity. Both will act according to how they think they should act. If a person believes while living in this realm that when they die there is no afterlife they will reside in darkness then it’s light out for them when they leave this plane. If a person believes that the dead only attach to a person to protect them or make them ill, then that is what will happen. If a person believes you immediately go to heaven and cannot have contact with the living than more than likely this is what will happen when they themselves pass on from this world. The point I’m making is that a person’s culture ultimately defines how they will experience life on the other side and how they should behave and interact with the living people here…you and me, here and now in this realm we now reside in. Simply put, ghosts’ act how they think they should act….just like us.
So the next time you are wondering why dead Uncle Joe is behaving as he does, and doing what he is doing, you should do some research into Uncle Joe’s life and consider asking Uncle Joe’s family and friends a LOT of questions while keeping your eyes and ears open to all of his surroundings.
Crystals – The Power to Be or Not to Be
Do you think that quartz crystals have some magical powers? Do you believe a crystal can protect you from evil? Do you believe in that quartz crystals have mood boosting healing powers? Are all the claims of psychic enlightenment phooey?
I've heard time and again from psychic mediums that crystals ground them, protect them, help them meditate, and increase their abilities. I've also heard about its wonderful powers that help heal those with health problems.
In the past when I heard this I thought, wow that’s some amazing claims. I immediately would start to think this religious connection people seem to have with crystals is astonishing. Even if this is all in their heads, they believe, and if they believe it will work, then certain actions will follow….all because they believed.
Now the notion of crystals having healing properties is nothing new. The fact is that as much as 2000 years ago man held crystals in high regard. Many cultures believed the crystals could change evil to good and a crystal was considered protection. It was capable of healing one’s spirit and body as it would purify. Crystals were often coveted sacredly. Crystals have been a part of this earth since…well, before Earth had a name.
Now none of this is news to me, however, I still only thought of them as those mystical energy stones that started to gain popularity again about the same time the word hippie became a common term. Once the new age movement started to take hold, as did meditation and energy healing, I still only had affection for them. Spiritual I believed there must be something to this all, at least that’s what I told the right side of my brain as I carefully gathered stones and crystals for my medicine bag.
Recently however I've expanded my knowledge about crystals. It all started when I questioned why crystals are used in watches, transmitters, etc. What I learned somewhat appeased my logical scientific side and somewhat relieved my spiritual side of the burden of proof.
Quickly before I continue on I want to inform you that all energy works in a transferring way. Energy never dissipates but only changes form. Heat and light are a good example. Heat transfers or changes through the process of convection or conduction. There is a movement or an exchange between gases, fluids, and solids. The sun warms the earth through the radiation of electromagnetic waves.
Crystals have a natural frequency as does most everything. A crystals pitch is determined by its shape and size. Crystals are used when accuracy, and precision and control are needed. Crystals are piezoelectric which basically describes the relation between a mechanical stress and an electrical voltage in solids. It converts the electrical energy to acoustic energy, and vice verse. It amplifies and stabilizes alternating electric fields. As a transducer it is capable of changing its vibration, frequency, and will resonate. When exposed to other energy fields it will basically sync and the two will resonate. The two will relate harmoniously. The polarized molecules will align themselves with the electric field, resulting in induced dipoles within the molecular or crystal structure of the material. The two…sometimes opposing fields, will lock into each other’s natural frequency and create a reinforcement and stabilization.. Thus the “grounding” effect.
There is a theory that psychics and mediums do what they do because they are better able to “tune into” the electromagnetic frequencies. In the world of ghosts and haunting electromagnetic fields play a big part in various ways. We are consistently learning about what atmospheric and otherwise type changes occur and don’t occur when paranormal events take place. Think about all the times you've heard on the TV shows about how some people are more sensitive than others to electromagnetic fields. Often referring to the bad…sickness, fear, hallucinations, but nonetheless, some people are more affected than others. On the positive side of this, if a person is more sensitive to these fields, it is obviously affecting their own body’s energy field. The bottom line is it is suspected (but not proven) that mediums are able to work kind of like a transducer does, and read and translate energies, and connect with and tune into the electromagnetic fields given off or that occur by or around an entity. I suppose it could be describe as, they tune into and are able ride the wave of communication with the Other Siders. It would be like if we turned on the radio to take a listen to the programming being cast across via radio frequency waves through our air space. Mediums, like us taking a listen to the radio, sometimes get a clear signal and sometimes don’t.
Now enter in healers or those who use crystals as a healing tool. Healers use a crystal (sometimes a crystal wand) in their healing of a person who may be depressed and /or ill. Again, is it the calming, stabilizing effect between the crystals energy vibrations and the energy vibrations of the person receiving that creates a stable resonance for healing to occur? I think it may. Do I think it cures or has some magical, mystical power, no. However, I do believe it works as a platform for healing to occur.
As I began to understand more about the practical principles of crystals, I started to put things together. If crystals have a stabilizing effect on EMF transmissions, this should include the capability to sync and stabilize the EMF emissions the human gives off. It is said, for a person, the key to experiencing the positive effects of a crystal is to find one that “matches” (will resonate best) with one’s self. That a person needs to find the correct crystal(s) for themselves and this is because of the many types, sizes, and shapes crystal can be obtained in. This means that the vibration/frequency will differ from crystal to crystal. So be aware that if there is too strong a frequency or one that doesn't resonate to your own human frequency it would have a negative effect instead of a positive one on your person. It is suggested that if you find a crystal to keep on your body let’s say as a necklace or whatever, and you and the crystal aren't syncing, than a person could begin to experience negative or ill effects.
I never really understood before what was meant when the term “grounded” was used. Now I understand the term “grounded” when used by psychics/mediums and healers, simply means there is a stabilization of energy fields created by a precise, harmonious, and strengthened resonance. Think …. of a humming motor.
So crystal really may amplify/increase your energy. They may really help to stabilize your body’s energy, and thus your mood and health. They may even aid in helping one heal. Can I say for sure, without doubt that crystals do all the things that others have claimed it does? No. But just in case, look what I just bought. ;o)
Do you think that quartz crystals have some magical powers? Do you believe a crystal can protect you from evil? Do you believe in that quartz crystals have mood boosting healing powers? Are all the claims of psychic enlightenment phooey?
I've heard time and again from psychic mediums that crystals ground them, protect them, help them meditate, and increase their abilities. I've also heard about its wonderful powers that help heal those with health problems.
In the past when I heard this I thought, wow that’s some amazing claims. I immediately would start to think this religious connection people seem to have with crystals is astonishing. Even if this is all in their heads, they believe, and if they believe it will work, then certain actions will follow….all because they believed.
Now the notion of crystals having healing properties is nothing new. The fact is that as much as 2000 years ago man held crystals in high regard. Many cultures believed the crystals could change evil to good and a crystal was considered protection. It was capable of healing one’s spirit and body as it would purify. Crystals were often coveted sacredly. Crystals have been a part of this earth since…well, before Earth had a name.
Now none of this is news to me, however, I still only thought of them as those mystical energy stones that started to gain popularity again about the same time the word hippie became a common term. Once the new age movement started to take hold, as did meditation and energy healing, I still only had affection for them. Spiritual I believed there must be something to this all, at least that’s what I told the right side of my brain as I carefully gathered stones and crystals for my medicine bag.
Recently however I've expanded my knowledge about crystals. It all started when I questioned why crystals are used in watches, transmitters, etc. What I learned somewhat appeased my logical scientific side and somewhat relieved my spiritual side of the burden of proof.
Quickly before I continue on I want to inform you that all energy works in a transferring way. Energy never dissipates but only changes form. Heat and light are a good example. Heat transfers or changes through the process of convection or conduction. There is a movement or an exchange between gases, fluids, and solids. The sun warms the earth through the radiation of electromagnetic waves.
Crystals have a natural frequency as does most everything. A crystals pitch is determined by its shape and size. Crystals are used when accuracy, and precision and control are needed. Crystals are piezoelectric which basically describes the relation between a mechanical stress and an electrical voltage in solids. It converts the electrical energy to acoustic energy, and vice verse. It amplifies and stabilizes alternating electric fields. As a transducer it is capable of changing its vibration, frequency, and will resonate. When exposed to other energy fields it will basically sync and the two will resonate. The two will relate harmoniously. The polarized molecules will align themselves with the electric field, resulting in induced dipoles within the molecular or crystal structure of the material. The two…sometimes opposing fields, will lock into each other’s natural frequency and create a reinforcement and stabilization.. Thus the “grounding” effect.
There is a theory that psychics and mediums do what they do because they are better able to “tune into” the electromagnetic frequencies. In the world of ghosts and haunting electromagnetic fields play a big part in various ways. We are consistently learning about what atmospheric and otherwise type changes occur and don’t occur when paranormal events take place. Think about all the times you've heard on the TV shows about how some people are more sensitive than others to electromagnetic fields. Often referring to the bad…sickness, fear, hallucinations, but nonetheless, some people are more affected than others. On the positive side of this, if a person is more sensitive to these fields, it is obviously affecting their own body’s energy field. The bottom line is it is suspected (but not proven) that mediums are able to work kind of like a transducer does, and read and translate energies, and connect with and tune into the electromagnetic fields given off or that occur by or around an entity. I suppose it could be describe as, they tune into and are able ride the wave of communication with the Other Siders. It would be like if we turned on the radio to take a listen to the programming being cast across via radio frequency waves through our air space. Mediums, like us taking a listen to the radio, sometimes get a clear signal and sometimes don’t.
Now enter in healers or those who use crystals as a healing tool. Healers use a crystal (sometimes a crystal wand) in their healing of a person who may be depressed and /or ill. Again, is it the calming, stabilizing effect between the crystals energy vibrations and the energy vibrations of the person receiving that creates a stable resonance for healing to occur? I think it may. Do I think it cures or has some magical, mystical power, no. However, I do believe it works as a platform for healing to occur.
As I began to understand more about the practical principles of crystals, I started to put things together. If crystals have a stabilizing effect on EMF transmissions, this should include the capability to sync and stabilize the EMF emissions the human gives off. It is said, for a person, the key to experiencing the positive effects of a crystal is to find one that “matches” (will resonate best) with one’s self. That a person needs to find the correct crystal(s) for themselves and this is because of the many types, sizes, and shapes crystal can be obtained in. This means that the vibration/frequency will differ from crystal to crystal. So be aware that if there is too strong a frequency or one that doesn't resonate to your own human frequency it would have a negative effect instead of a positive one on your person. It is suggested that if you find a crystal to keep on your body let’s say as a necklace or whatever, and you and the crystal aren't syncing, than a person could begin to experience negative or ill effects.
I never really understood before what was meant when the term “grounded” was used. Now I understand the term “grounded” when used by psychics/mediums and healers, simply means there is a stabilization of energy fields created by a precise, harmonious, and strengthened resonance. Think …. of a humming motor.
So crystal really may amplify/increase your energy. They may really help to stabilize your body’s energy, and thus your mood and health. They may even aid in helping one heal. Can I say for sure, without doubt that crystals do all the things that others have claimed it does? No. But just in case, look what I just bought. ;o)
Shadow People
To be honest, no one knows for sure what or who shadow people are. It is suspected that they are ghosts of the deceased who for some reason cannot manifest themselves enough as to appear as full bodied apparitions. With this being said, some may not be the ghosts of our dead, but beings that were never of this world.
The one common thread about shadow people is that other than sleeking around in the shadows as shadows themselves, they do not seem to have much interaction with the living. Other than playing a game of cat and mouse with us, there hasn't been much interaction reported by investigators who have come across them. So in general my answer would be to tell you that you have nothing to fear from a shadow person. Yes, they look creepy and it can be startling to come across one and see it, but generally speaking, I cannot think of a case in which a shadow person caused anyone any harm. With this being said, IF some shadow people are in fact the ghosts of the dead, they may not only be capable of appearing as a shadow person, but be possible of other activity that is more typical of the nature of a ghost. So moving objects, touching of someone, other type of communication, etc. would be possible. We just aren't sure if the shadow person and the other ghosts we come across in the same location are one in the same or different entities. In cases where only shadow people have been spotted and named as the main paranormal activity, there are usually no reports of any type of harm of any kind happening to anyone.
Keep in mind, if someone was not a nice person in this life, they aren't going to a nice person in the next dimension. If a person was a jokester while alive in our realm, they more than likely will be a jokester in the next realm they inhabit. So there could be taunting, pranks, or completely passive behavior exhibited.
Alright, here is the tough antidote to tell people….. shadow people aren’t always poorly manifested ghosts or benign beings of another type. VERY rarely demonic beings appear as nothing more than a darkened shadow. So understandably there always remains concern when they are discovered. However, in the rare instance that the shadow being is something demonic in nature you will know it. Even if they are intent on “tricking” you into a false sense of security, their facade won’t last long. At the very least, in a short period of time you will come to know it because the demonic will not be content to be a wall flower. Again, this is a rare occurrence, but they do exist and you should be aware of this. In my personal experience anyone who has come across something demonic knows it. They will come across as more than just an angry ghost and demonics can hurt you.
So to sum up, shadow people are usually a class of benign entity that in general isn’t too interactive with the living. If there is no other evidence of ghostly activity, you have nothing to fear. If the shadow person is only one display of an intelligent ghost residing in a location, and it seems to be nasty or mean in nature. Possible displays of some mild forms of aggression, and even physical aggression could occur. However, claiming your space and basically putting the nasty spirited dead person/ghost in its place by standing firm and not allowing it to bully you does work in quieting them down. As one final note that I hope will put your mind at ease, in all my years investigating, combined with others out there that I know or know of who’ve either lived with or investigated shadow people, I can only think of one instance in which any ghost or shadow person unprovoked, aggressively attacked and hurt anyone, or intentionally made them feel ill.
To be honest, no one knows for sure what or who shadow people are. It is suspected that they are ghosts of the deceased who for some reason cannot manifest themselves enough as to appear as full bodied apparitions. With this being said, some may not be the ghosts of our dead, but beings that were never of this world.
The one common thread about shadow people is that other than sleeking around in the shadows as shadows themselves, they do not seem to have much interaction with the living. Other than playing a game of cat and mouse with us, there hasn't been much interaction reported by investigators who have come across them. So in general my answer would be to tell you that you have nothing to fear from a shadow person. Yes, they look creepy and it can be startling to come across one and see it, but generally speaking, I cannot think of a case in which a shadow person caused anyone any harm. With this being said, IF some shadow people are in fact the ghosts of the dead, they may not only be capable of appearing as a shadow person, but be possible of other activity that is more typical of the nature of a ghost. So moving objects, touching of someone, other type of communication, etc. would be possible. We just aren't sure if the shadow person and the other ghosts we come across in the same location are one in the same or different entities. In cases where only shadow people have been spotted and named as the main paranormal activity, there are usually no reports of any type of harm of any kind happening to anyone.
Keep in mind, if someone was not a nice person in this life, they aren't going to a nice person in the next dimension. If a person was a jokester while alive in our realm, they more than likely will be a jokester in the next realm they inhabit. So there could be taunting, pranks, or completely passive behavior exhibited.
Alright, here is the tough antidote to tell people….. shadow people aren’t always poorly manifested ghosts or benign beings of another type. VERY rarely demonic beings appear as nothing more than a darkened shadow. So understandably there always remains concern when they are discovered. However, in the rare instance that the shadow being is something demonic in nature you will know it. Even if they are intent on “tricking” you into a false sense of security, their facade won’t last long. At the very least, in a short period of time you will come to know it because the demonic will not be content to be a wall flower. Again, this is a rare occurrence, but they do exist and you should be aware of this. In my personal experience anyone who has come across something demonic knows it. They will come across as more than just an angry ghost and demonics can hurt you.
So to sum up, shadow people are usually a class of benign entity that in general isn’t too interactive with the living. If there is no other evidence of ghostly activity, you have nothing to fear. If the shadow person is only one display of an intelligent ghost residing in a location, and it seems to be nasty or mean in nature. Possible displays of some mild forms of aggression, and even physical aggression could occur. However, claiming your space and basically putting the nasty spirited dead person/ghost in its place by standing firm and not allowing it to bully you does work in quieting them down. As one final note that I hope will put your mind at ease, in all my years investigating, combined with others out there that I know or know of who’ve either lived with or investigated shadow people, I can only think of one instance in which any ghost or shadow person unprovoked, aggressively attacked and hurt anyone, or intentionally made them feel ill.
How Do Spirits Experience Time
A few days ago I received an email form one of my readers, named Rich. His email inspired me to write this blog article. The following is a paragraph from his email to me.
I've always wanted to know how spirits experience time. Are they aware of time passing 24 hours a day? Seven days a week? Are they aware of the weeks, months and years since they died? Are Civil War soldiers aware that they've been walking around Gettysburg for over 140 years? If spirits are conscious of time passing the same as we are, it must be incredibly boring for the intelligent variety.
The short answer to all these questions is, no one knows. Sorry Rich, I know you were hoping for a more definitive answer than that. However, it is the only truthful answer I or any other person can give. Yet, in light of what we do know and/or theorize, I will try to give you some things to mull over in regard to your questions.
There are several theories based in science that indicate that those who have passed from this world, or those entities that exist that were never part of this world, do not have the same understanding or passage of time as we do. Many psychics and mediums also seem to indicate that time has no meaning to those on the “other side”.
It would stand to reason that due to being a free floating type energy there would be no constraints, and space-time, and distance would be irrelevant, and they would not experience the passage of time as we do.
Quantum theory not only specifies new rules for describing the universe, but also introduces new ways of thinking about matter and energy. The tiny particles that quantum theory describes do not have defined locations, speeds, and paths like objects described by classical physics. I would think that our development of classical physics which is derived from the nature of our universe and dimensional matter, the existence of time in this plane would only serve us, not them. So it is more than likely from this perspective, that time is basically a non existent form of calculation by the entities. Thus our free floating friends would have no use for “time”. Although they may not experience our time as we do, intelligent entities do seem to have a consciousness and often seem aware of our constraints by time.
Those who have died and pass onto to the light, whether you believe that to be heaven or simply another plane elsewhere, may be existing in a different dimension from our own. Since they are a free floating energy the constraints we experience with matter would not apply to them. Therefore they would be able to pass back and forth from their realm into ours and visa versa anytime they chose to. Although they are aware of our experiences with the passage of time, they would not experience time as we know it.
In a residual haunting that is due to an energy imprint or if it is energy trapped in this realm there is no consciousness. It is simply a form of energy that plays itself out like a looped video. Since there is no consciousness whatsoever there would be no awareness of time or any other matter or thing. If a residual haunting is due to a time slip or a cross over of dimensions, there is a consciousness. However, just like ourselves in this realm, that consciousness is based in their realm and space-time.
There is probably 3 different ways a time slip could occur; we notice them, but they do not notice us, they notice us, but we don’t notice them, and then there are the time slips in which we notice each other. Keeping this in mind, that although there is a consciousness by both involved, the awareness of time is subjective. The Gettysburg soldier who is preparing for battle may suddenly see me strolling across the now historic battlefield in the year 2010, and he hears me talking on my mobile cell phone. In his weary state he may rub his eyes thinking he has become delirious or may run in fright because he’s seen a strange in appearance ghost. That same civil war soldier may be at rest in his home when he looks up and sees me sitting in a chair in his home. Putting his fear to the side he may ask me, “who are you, where are you from?” I may not answer because this time slip is only one sided, and I am unaware him and of his time dimension. If it is a mutual, but partial time slip, he may see and hear me, but I may only hear him. If he were to ask me what year is it I would answer 2010, but I would more than likely be unable to answer him as to what year he is living because I simply wouldn’t know.
So although no one knows for sure yet how space and time is experienced by the other side, science and parapsychologist do indicate that time is not experienced by the other siders in the same way that we experience it. So the next time you come across a ghost from years past or future, just flash them a smile and ask them yourself.….you may just get an answer.
A few days ago I received an email form one of my readers, named Rich. His email inspired me to write this blog article. The following is a paragraph from his email to me.
I've always wanted to know how spirits experience time. Are they aware of time passing 24 hours a day? Seven days a week? Are they aware of the weeks, months and years since they died? Are Civil War soldiers aware that they've been walking around Gettysburg for over 140 years? If spirits are conscious of time passing the same as we are, it must be incredibly boring for the intelligent variety.
The short answer to all these questions is, no one knows. Sorry Rich, I know you were hoping for a more definitive answer than that. However, it is the only truthful answer I or any other person can give. Yet, in light of what we do know and/or theorize, I will try to give you some things to mull over in regard to your questions.
There are several theories based in science that indicate that those who have passed from this world, or those entities that exist that were never part of this world, do not have the same understanding or passage of time as we do. Many psychics and mediums also seem to indicate that time has no meaning to those on the “other side”.
It would stand to reason that due to being a free floating type energy there would be no constraints, and space-time, and distance would be irrelevant, and they would not experience the passage of time as we do.
Quantum theory not only specifies new rules for describing the universe, but also introduces new ways of thinking about matter and energy. The tiny particles that quantum theory describes do not have defined locations, speeds, and paths like objects described by classical physics. I would think that our development of classical physics which is derived from the nature of our universe and dimensional matter, the existence of time in this plane would only serve us, not them. So it is more than likely from this perspective, that time is basically a non existent form of calculation by the entities. Thus our free floating friends would have no use for “time”. Although they may not experience our time as we do, intelligent entities do seem to have a consciousness and often seem aware of our constraints by time.
Those who have died and pass onto to the light, whether you believe that to be heaven or simply another plane elsewhere, may be existing in a different dimension from our own. Since they are a free floating energy the constraints we experience with matter would not apply to them. Therefore they would be able to pass back and forth from their realm into ours and visa versa anytime they chose to. Although they are aware of our experiences with the passage of time, they would not experience time as we know it.
In a residual haunting that is due to an energy imprint or if it is energy trapped in this realm there is no consciousness. It is simply a form of energy that plays itself out like a looped video. Since there is no consciousness whatsoever there would be no awareness of time or any other matter or thing. If a residual haunting is due to a time slip or a cross over of dimensions, there is a consciousness. However, just like ourselves in this realm, that consciousness is based in their realm and space-time.
There is probably 3 different ways a time slip could occur; we notice them, but they do not notice us, they notice us, but we don’t notice them, and then there are the time slips in which we notice each other. Keeping this in mind, that although there is a consciousness by both involved, the awareness of time is subjective. The Gettysburg soldier who is preparing for battle may suddenly see me strolling across the now historic battlefield in the year 2010, and he hears me talking on my mobile cell phone. In his weary state he may rub his eyes thinking he has become delirious or may run in fright because he’s seen a strange in appearance ghost. That same civil war soldier may be at rest in his home when he looks up and sees me sitting in a chair in his home. Putting his fear to the side he may ask me, “who are you, where are you from?” I may not answer because this time slip is only one sided, and I am unaware him and of his time dimension. If it is a mutual, but partial time slip, he may see and hear me, but I may only hear him. If he were to ask me what year is it I would answer 2010, but I would more than likely be unable to answer him as to what year he is living because I simply wouldn’t know.
So although no one knows for sure yet how space and time is experienced by the other side, science and parapsychologist do indicate that time is not experienced by the other siders in the same way that we experience it. So the next time you come across a ghost from years past or future, just flash them a smile and ask them yourself.….you may just get an answer.
Metaphysics, A branch of philosophy that studies the ultimate structure and constitution of reality, of that which is real, to the extent or degree in what makes it is real. It is not easily definable. It is philosophical, theoretical like much of quantum physics yet goes beyond it, spiritual, and natural. It embraces both mind and matter. It is a look at our universe and existence, our reality and combines it with the non-tangible, and thus combines, the mental, spiritual, and the scientifically unanswerable and philosophically speculates about the nature of reality.
The term, which means literally “what comes after physics,” was used to refer to the treatise by Aristotle on what he himself called “first philosophy.” In the history of Western philosophy, metaphysics has been understood in various ways: as an inquiry into both the mental and the physical, and as the study of reality, as opposed to appearance of reality; also as the study of the world as a whole. Holistic practices, astrology, and forethought are part of metaphysics too. Holistic practices combine the mind, spirit, and body, and is considered the complete approach in bringing healing or wellness to an individual by taking all into consideration with the understanding that there is a balance needed and an intertwined relationship between everything. Simple meditation is metaphysical too, in that it focuses on bringing the spirit, mind, and body into balance with each other.
Metaphysical science in part explores the non-physical aspects of reality. Due to its very nature it cannot be accurately measured using data that relates to the five physical senses. That is why quantum physics, which delves into nature that precedes the physical manifestation, cannot produce consistent and duplicatable results and is sometimes called the science of probabilities.
Interesting enough, psychics and mediums are embraced by metaphysics. Psychic healers, energy healers, spiritual cleansing, and mediums who spiritually channel the unseen use their body, spirit, and mind to bring the scientifically unknown into our reality. Since science itself has differing opinions as to what creates our reality, metaphysics long and varying history has carved itself a permanent notch as a field scientific study. So metaphysics task and burden is to encompass at all times all the other fields of study and knowledge and to create a complete and whole approach.
These days a term such as New Age is used to describe aspects of metaphysics. Most often, crystals, aromatherapy, and healing stones are considered part of new age spiritualism, and thus may be considered a form of a paganistic religious practice.
The problem with metaphysics is that it is difficult to find a concrete and tangible way to document its truth due to the nature of itself and its part in defining our reality. For what is reality? The philosophy and broad concepts of metaphysics do not lend itself to controlled experimentation. It is a study of what is beyond what we consider normal, and beyond current fact and law. Another difficulty is that in trying to understand what is “metaphysical”, one must include all other categorized studies that lend itself in creating the whole of what we philosophize as our reality and beyond. In other words it is undeniably impossible to even try to find proof of substance when we are still philosophizing over what should be considered.
Metaphysics, A branch of philosophy that studies the ultimate structure and constitution of reality, of that which is real, to the extent or degree in what makes it is real. It is not easily definable. It is philosophical, theoretical like much of quantum physics yet goes beyond it, spiritual, and natural. It embraces both mind and matter. It is a look at our universe and existence, our reality and combines it with the non-tangible, and thus combines, the mental, spiritual, and the scientifically unanswerable and philosophically speculates about the nature of reality.
The term, which means literally “what comes after physics,” was used to refer to the treatise by Aristotle on what he himself called “first philosophy.” In the history of Western philosophy, metaphysics has been understood in various ways: as an inquiry into both the mental and the physical, and as the study of reality, as opposed to appearance of reality; also as the study of the world as a whole. Holistic practices, astrology, and forethought are part of metaphysics too. Holistic practices combine the mind, spirit, and body, and is considered the complete approach in bringing healing or wellness to an individual by taking all into consideration with the understanding that there is a balance needed and an intertwined relationship between everything. Simple meditation is metaphysical too, in that it focuses on bringing the spirit, mind, and body into balance with each other.
Metaphysical science in part explores the non-physical aspects of reality. Due to its very nature it cannot be accurately measured using data that relates to the five physical senses. That is why quantum physics, which delves into nature that precedes the physical manifestation, cannot produce consistent and duplicatable results and is sometimes called the science of probabilities.
Interesting enough, psychics and mediums are embraced by metaphysics. Psychic healers, energy healers, spiritual cleansing, and mediums who spiritually channel the unseen use their body, spirit, and mind to bring the scientifically unknown into our reality. Since science itself has differing opinions as to what creates our reality, metaphysics long and varying history has carved itself a permanent notch as a field scientific study. So metaphysics task and burden is to encompass at all times all the other fields of study and knowledge and to create a complete and whole approach.
These days a term such as New Age is used to describe aspects of metaphysics. Most often, crystals, aromatherapy, and healing stones are considered part of new age spiritualism, and thus may be considered a form of a paganistic religious practice.
The problem with metaphysics is that it is difficult to find a concrete and tangible way to document its truth due to the nature of itself and its part in defining our reality. For what is reality? The philosophy and broad concepts of metaphysics do not lend itself to controlled experimentation. It is a study of what is beyond what we consider normal, and beyond current fact and law. Another difficulty is that in trying to understand what is “metaphysical”, one must include all other categorized studies that lend itself in creating the whole of what we philosophize as our reality and beyond. In other words it is undeniably impossible to even try to find proof of substance when we are still philosophizing over what should be considered.
Why Is Bob Naked?!
At one point or another we’ve all questioned, why it is that when a person sees a ghost they are always wearing clothes? Now come on…you know you’ve wondered…
There are several theories as to why sighting of these illusive entities, if seen as full bodied apparitions, are always described as wearing some particular type of clothing. One theory; our brain, in trying to decipher the energy imprint and or experience tries to visually relate it to something familiar stored in our memory bank. Closely related to this theory, and only a slight step to the side is the simple belief that we see what we expect to see. In other words we don’t really want to see grandma standing naked before us. Another theory is that the entities themselves “show” themselves to us as they want us to see them or in a way that is familiar to us.
I’m not sure if I buy into any of these theories. All too often people who report ghost sightings individually of each other, and at different times, usually report very similar, if not an identical description of the clothing they saw the apparition wearing. So with this in mind, I’m not convinced of any one theory yet. One thing I’m sure of is a majority of people are traumatized enough from the experience of just seeing a ghost. Now add in seeing grandma nude, in all her glory….that might just send many into therapy for years. It would give a whole new meaning to the term “flashed”.
Let’s say my dear brother Bob passes on from this life into the next. Then one evening I’m sitting chatting with my sister over our sadness in how much we miss Bob. Then just as tears are filling our eyes, Bob appears as a full bodied apparition there in the room with us, right before our eyes. My sister and I are both startled but delighted to see him…well, except for one disturbing thing …Bob is completely nude. It is at this point with my head cocked to the right and my face cringing, I turn to my sister and say with shocking disbelief, “Why is Bob naked?!” And without missing a beat she replies, “I don’t know, but apparently what they say about German men is true”…and then we both bust out laughing. Our laughter quickly fades as we notice that Bob doesn’t seem to notice or care that he is standing in front of us baring all. Then it all just gets weird and creepy.
Now with all this being said, let’s say Bob, while living on this earth, was a nudist. He lived in a nudist community/village. Being naked is natural, comfortable, and an acceptable state of being for both Bob and Bob’s family. So here’s my question: Do those people who consider themselves “nudist” mostly see their ghosts with NO clothes on? Oh, how I wish I could interview a nudist community, and take a survey to find out the answer to this question. Hmmm… I think I may just have to put this interview idea on my “to do” list.
my apologies to any German men who may have been offended by remarks in this article. It’s just a little humor! ;o)
At one point or another we’ve all questioned, why it is that when a person sees a ghost they are always wearing clothes? Now come on…you know you’ve wondered…
There are several theories as to why sighting of these illusive entities, if seen as full bodied apparitions, are always described as wearing some particular type of clothing. One theory; our brain, in trying to decipher the energy imprint and or experience tries to visually relate it to something familiar stored in our memory bank. Closely related to this theory, and only a slight step to the side is the simple belief that we see what we expect to see. In other words we don’t really want to see grandma standing naked before us. Another theory is that the entities themselves “show” themselves to us as they want us to see them or in a way that is familiar to us.
I’m not sure if I buy into any of these theories. All too often people who report ghost sightings individually of each other, and at different times, usually report very similar, if not an identical description of the clothing they saw the apparition wearing. So with this in mind, I’m not convinced of any one theory yet. One thing I’m sure of is a majority of people are traumatized enough from the experience of just seeing a ghost. Now add in seeing grandma nude, in all her glory….that might just send many into therapy for years. It would give a whole new meaning to the term “flashed”.
Let’s say my dear brother Bob passes on from this life into the next. Then one evening I’m sitting chatting with my sister over our sadness in how much we miss Bob. Then just as tears are filling our eyes, Bob appears as a full bodied apparition there in the room with us, right before our eyes. My sister and I are both startled but delighted to see him…well, except for one disturbing thing …Bob is completely nude. It is at this point with my head cocked to the right and my face cringing, I turn to my sister and say with shocking disbelief, “Why is Bob naked?!” And without missing a beat she replies, “I don’t know, but apparently what they say about German men is true”…and then we both bust out laughing. Our laughter quickly fades as we notice that Bob doesn’t seem to notice or care that he is standing in front of us baring all. Then it all just gets weird and creepy.
Now with all this being said, let’s say Bob, while living on this earth, was a nudist. He lived in a nudist community/village. Being naked is natural, comfortable, and an acceptable state of being for both Bob and Bob’s family. So here’s my question: Do those people who consider themselves “nudist” mostly see their ghosts with NO clothes on? Oh, how I wish I could interview a nudist community, and take a survey to find out the answer to this question. Hmmm… I think I may just have to put this interview idea on my “to do” list.
my apologies to any German men who may have been offended by remarks in this article. It’s just a little humor! ;o)
Webster's Dictionary defines infrasonic, or infrasound, as "1: having or relating to a frequency below the audibility range of the human ear. 2: utilizing or produced by infrasonic waves or vibrations."
Theories on Infrasound and its Effect on Humans
Infrasound waves hug the ground, travel for long distances without losing strength, and are unstoppable. Not much amplitude is needed to produce negative effects in the human body, and even mild infrasound exposure requires several hours, or even days, to reverse symptoms.
Man-made structures, such as engines, cars, buses, trains, motorcycles, and airplanes also produce infrasound. John Cody noted that pilots exposed to infrasonic vibrations of jet chassis experience a reduction in "vision, speech, intelligence, orientation, equilibrium, and the ability to accurately discern situations, and make reasonable decisions."
Depending on the pitch, infrasound can cause physical pressure, or fear, disorientation, and negative physical and mental symptoms.
Please note there are varying degrees in the infrasound range and those that cause the most negative and damaging effects is not a common occurrence.
Infrasound disrupts the normal functioning of the middle and inner ear, leading to nausea, imbalance, impaired equilibrium, immobilization, and disorientation. Exposure to even mild doses of infrasound can lead to illness.
The Infrasound frequency may appear frequently under natural conditions. Infrasound arises when strong gusts of wind clash with chimneys or towers. I’m sure you’ve all experienced this at one time or another during your life. This heavy base sound penetrates even through very thick walls. Such sound waves start rumbling in tunnel-shaped corridors.
Long pipe organs, such as those found in churches and cathedrals produce infrasound. In one UK study, the extreme bass frequencies instilled strange feelings at a concert hall. Effects were "extreme sense of sorrow, coldness, anxiety, and even shivers down the spine." (source; Organ Music Instills Religious Feelings,' by Jonathan Amos, 9/8/2003)
Some cars are equipped with a boom device known as a burp button. These devices generate large amplitude pressure/low frequency noise. When the “burp button” is used, it activates a low-band pass-filter which forces all of the amplifier's power through the sub-woofer speakers at frequencies lower than a certain number of Hertz. At extremely low frequencies, it becomes infrasound. Thus you feel the blast of noise, as well as hear it. Which may explain why some humans like booming subwoofers in their vehicles and/or homes, and it is not just a “cool and popular” status meaning as we as a society have come to believe. We've all tried to block the sound from these cars when next to them stopped at a traffic light. Rolling up the window to block the sound doesn't work, because you still continue to feel the vibrations and of course, how much it annoys us.
Infrasonic vibrations which can be harmful can also be pleasantly stimulating in mild levels. The effects of brief, mild exposure can give a feeling of invigoration for hours. While a person may feel invigorated and euphoric, his body is being subjected to an elevated heart rate, elevated blood pressure, and a release of endorphins which is similar to the "fight or flight" adrenaline response. Feeling the effects of high-intensity/low-frequency sound can actually become an addiction, partially due to the release of endorphins in the body.
Interestingly, Walt Disney and his artists accidentally experienced infrasound on one occasion. A cartoon sound effect was slowed from 60 cycles per second to 12 cycles per second via a tape-editing machine and was amplified through the theater system. The resulting tone, though brief in duration, produced in the entire crowd nausea that lingered for several days. 100 Cycles Per Second (Hz) - At this level, a person experiences irritation, "mild nausea, giddiness, skin flushing, and body tingling." Following this, a person undergoes "vertigo, anxiety, extreme fatigue, throat pressure, and respiratory dysfunction." (Source; the Sonic Weapon of Vladimir Gavreau, by Gerry Vassilatos)
There are still a lot of theories about infrasound in question, but it is important that people and paranormal investigators in particular are aware of its existence and affects.
Physicists studying the effects of infrasound upon the human body have reported that volunteers participating in their experiments complain of weariness, high pressure in the eyes and in the ears, but never mention hallucinations or ghosts. More results from other studies revealed the following.
Infrasound Toxicological Summary, November 2001 - "When male volunteers were exposed to simulated industrial infrasound of 5 and 10 Hz and levels of 100 and 135 dB for 15 minutes, feelings of fatigue, apathy, and depression, pressure in the ears, loss of concentration, drowsiness, and vibration of internal organs were reported. In addition, effects were found in the central nervous system, the cardiovascular system, and the respiratory system. Synchronization phenomena were enhanced in the left hemisphere. Visual motor responses to stimuli were prolonged, and the strength of the effect was reduced. Heart rate was increased during the initial minutes of exposure. Heart muscle contraction strength was reduced. Respiration rate was significantly reduced after the first minute of exposure." (Sorry, I didn't note the source for this paragraph of information)
Human reactions to infrasound 20 Hz is considered the normal low frequency limit of human hearing. When pure sine waves are reproduced under ideal conditions and at very high volume, a human listener will be able to identify tones as low as 12 Hz. Below 10 Hz it is possible to perceive the single cycles of the sound, along with a sensation of pressure at the eardrums.
Infrasound has been known to cause feelings of awe or fear in humans. Since it is not consciously perceived, it can make people feel vaguely that supernatural events are taking place.
The Ghost in the Machine Research by Vic Tandy, a lecturer at Coventry University, suggested that the frequency 19 Hz was responsible for many ghost sightings. He was working late one night alone in a supposedly haunted laboratory at Warwick, when he felt very anxious and could detect a grey blob out of the corner of his eye. When he turned to face it, there was nothing.
The following day, he was working on his fencing foil, with the handle held in a vice. Although there was nothing touching it, the blade started to vibrate wildly. Further investigation led him to discover that the extraction fan was emitting a frequency of 18.98 Hz, very close to the resonant frequency of the eye (given as 18 Hz in NASA Technical Report 19770013810). This was why he saw a ghostly figure — it was an optical illusion caused by his eyeballs resonating. The room was exactly half a wavelength in length, and the desk was in the centrer, thus causing a standing wave which was detected by the foil.
Tandy investigated this phenomenon further and wrote a paper entitled The Ghost in the Machine. He carried out a number of investigations at various sites believed to be haunted, including the basement of the Tourist Information Bureau next to Coventry Cathedral and Edinburgh Castle.
Webster's Dictionary defines infrasonic, or infrasound, as "1: having or relating to a frequency below the audibility range of the human ear. 2: utilizing or produced by infrasonic waves or vibrations."
Theories on Infrasound and its Effect on Humans
Infrasound waves hug the ground, travel for long distances without losing strength, and are unstoppable. Not much amplitude is needed to produce negative effects in the human body, and even mild infrasound exposure requires several hours, or even days, to reverse symptoms.
Man-made structures, such as engines, cars, buses, trains, motorcycles, and airplanes also produce infrasound. John Cody noted that pilots exposed to infrasonic vibrations of jet chassis experience a reduction in "vision, speech, intelligence, orientation, equilibrium, and the ability to accurately discern situations, and make reasonable decisions."
Depending on the pitch, infrasound can cause physical pressure, or fear, disorientation, and negative physical and mental symptoms.
Please note there are varying degrees in the infrasound range and those that cause the most negative and damaging effects is not a common occurrence.
Infrasound disrupts the normal functioning of the middle and inner ear, leading to nausea, imbalance, impaired equilibrium, immobilization, and disorientation. Exposure to even mild doses of infrasound can lead to illness.
The Infrasound frequency may appear frequently under natural conditions. Infrasound arises when strong gusts of wind clash with chimneys or towers. I’m sure you’ve all experienced this at one time or another during your life. This heavy base sound penetrates even through very thick walls. Such sound waves start rumbling in tunnel-shaped corridors.
Long pipe organs, such as those found in churches and cathedrals produce infrasound. In one UK study, the extreme bass frequencies instilled strange feelings at a concert hall. Effects were "extreme sense of sorrow, coldness, anxiety, and even shivers down the spine." (source; Organ Music Instills Religious Feelings,' by Jonathan Amos, 9/8/2003)
Some cars are equipped with a boom device known as a burp button. These devices generate large amplitude pressure/low frequency noise. When the “burp button” is used, it activates a low-band pass-filter which forces all of the amplifier's power through the sub-woofer speakers at frequencies lower than a certain number of Hertz. At extremely low frequencies, it becomes infrasound. Thus you feel the blast of noise, as well as hear it. Which may explain why some humans like booming subwoofers in their vehicles and/or homes, and it is not just a “cool and popular” status meaning as we as a society have come to believe. We've all tried to block the sound from these cars when next to them stopped at a traffic light. Rolling up the window to block the sound doesn't work, because you still continue to feel the vibrations and of course, how much it annoys us.
Infrasonic vibrations which can be harmful can also be pleasantly stimulating in mild levels. The effects of brief, mild exposure can give a feeling of invigoration for hours. While a person may feel invigorated and euphoric, his body is being subjected to an elevated heart rate, elevated blood pressure, and a release of endorphins which is similar to the "fight or flight" adrenaline response. Feeling the effects of high-intensity/low-frequency sound can actually become an addiction, partially due to the release of endorphins in the body.
Interestingly, Walt Disney and his artists accidentally experienced infrasound on one occasion. A cartoon sound effect was slowed from 60 cycles per second to 12 cycles per second via a tape-editing machine and was amplified through the theater system. The resulting tone, though brief in duration, produced in the entire crowd nausea that lingered for several days. 100 Cycles Per Second (Hz) - At this level, a person experiences irritation, "mild nausea, giddiness, skin flushing, and body tingling." Following this, a person undergoes "vertigo, anxiety, extreme fatigue, throat pressure, and respiratory dysfunction." (Source; the Sonic Weapon of Vladimir Gavreau, by Gerry Vassilatos)
There are still a lot of theories about infrasound in question, but it is important that people and paranormal investigators in particular are aware of its existence and affects.
Physicists studying the effects of infrasound upon the human body have reported that volunteers participating in their experiments complain of weariness, high pressure in the eyes and in the ears, but never mention hallucinations or ghosts. More results from other studies revealed the following.
Infrasound Toxicological Summary, November 2001 - "When male volunteers were exposed to simulated industrial infrasound of 5 and 10 Hz and levels of 100 and 135 dB for 15 minutes, feelings of fatigue, apathy, and depression, pressure in the ears, loss of concentration, drowsiness, and vibration of internal organs were reported. In addition, effects were found in the central nervous system, the cardiovascular system, and the respiratory system. Synchronization phenomena were enhanced in the left hemisphere. Visual motor responses to stimuli were prolonged, and the strength of the effect was reduced. Heart rate was increased during the initial minutes of exposure. Heart muscle contraction strength was reduced. Respiration rate was significantly reduced after the first minute of exposure." (Sorry, I didn't note the source for this paragraph of information)
Human reactions to infrasound 20 Hz is considered the normal low frequency limit of human hearing. When pure sine waves are reproduced under ideal conditions and at very high volume, a human listener will be able to identify tones as low as 12 Hz. Below 10 Hz it is possible to perceive the single cycles of the sound, along with a sensation of pressure at the eardrums.
Infrasound has been known to cause feelings of awe or fear in humans. Since it is not consciously perceived, it can make people feel vaguely that supernatural events are taking place.
The Ghost in the Machine Research by Vic Tandy, a lecturer at Coventry University, suggested that the frequency 19 Hz was responsible for many ghost sightings. He was working late one night alone in a supposedly haunted laboratory at Warwick, when he felt very anxious and could detect a grey blob out of the corner of his eye. When he turned to face it, there was nothing.
The following day, he was working on his fencing foil, with the handle held in a vice. Although there was nothing touching it, the blade started to vibrate wildly. Further investigation led him to discover that the extraction fan was emitting a frequency of 18.98 Hz, very close to the resonant frequency of the eye (given as 18 Hz in NASA Technical Report 19770013810). This was why he saw a ghostly figure — it was an optical illusion caused by his eyeballs resonating. The room was exactly half a wavelength in length, and the desk was in the centrer, thus causing a standing wave which was detected by the foil.
Tandy investigated this phenomenon further and wrote a paper entitled The Ghost in the Machine. He carried out a number of investigations at various sites believed to be haunted, including the basement of the Tourist Information Bureau next to Coventry Cathedral and Edinburgh Castle.
Hunt the Haunted – The Paranormal MD presents their findings of investigations of a local historical Society
Paranormal Investigators present findings during Hunt the Haunted
Saturday, October 20 2012, 2 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
On Saturday, October 20, paranormal investigators will present the findings from their investigations of two historical Palatine locations. “Hunt the Haunted” will be held at Cutting Hall Performing Arts Center located at 150 E. Wood Street, Palatine from 2:00pm to 3:30pm.
Paranormal investigators from the Ghostland Society investigated Clayson House and Cutting Hall in Palatine within the last several months. Presenters Scott Cashman and Mary Marshall will let us know what they found during their investigations in Palatine and will also share the details of other investigations during their presentation. When the Paranormal MD team investigated the Clayson House in Palatine, they accumulated over 50 hours worth of video coverage and another 48 hours of recorded audio, along with photos and miscellaneous data of atmospheric changes that may have occurred during their investigation. They are still reviewing all the data looking for any anomalous activity that may be indicative of a ghostly haunt. According to Mary Marshall, “It is going to be exciting to play these previously unheard voices of the souls that seem to inhabit The Clayson House for those people in attendance at the Reveal.”
Hunt the Haunted presenters Cashman and Marshall both teach at Harper College in Palatine. Mary Marshall is the founder and director of The Paranormal MD, a paranormal investigation group. As a paranormal researcher and educator, she has over 11 years experience in the paranormal investigation field and has been researching the paranormal for over 25 years. Scott Cashman, a cultural anthropologist, is also the Continuing Education Manager for Personal and Cultural Enrichment at Harper College. In his classes he provides an overview of the role of spirits across the globe.
Mary helped develop, along with Scott Cashman, one of the first Paranormal Studies Program in the country that is taught at an institution for higher education. This puts Harper College in Palatine, IL at the forefront, where she now works as an instructor personally teaching 3 of the many different classes. Her popular classes attract students as far away as Kenosha WI. She hopes that in sharing the knowledge it will create better investigators and researchers, and broaden people’s perspective and understanding of paranormal activity which ultimately will benefit us all. Although her focus is on ghostly type activity, Mary has been drawn to and interested in psychic phenomenon since the age of 14 along with the many aspects of theoretical physics including quantum mechanics.
Tickets for Hunt the Haunted can be purchased at Tickets are $15 each, $12 for
seniors. This show is not recommended for children. For tickets or more information call 847-202-5222 or order online at The Cutting Hall Box Office charges a $1 PER ORDER fee for all in-person or phone transactions. Online transactions are $1.50 PER ORDER. No refunds or exchanges. All ticket sales are final.
For more information on Hunt the Haunted, contact Cultural Arts Coordinator, Carol Lange, at 847-496-6237 or [email protected]. To learn more about Mary Marshall or to find more information or answers to some common questions regarding ghostly activity, go to For more information on the Paranormal Investigation program at Harper College, visit
Cutting Hall Performing Arts Center is a facility of the Palatine Park District. The mission of Palatine Park District is to provide a variety of safe, enjoyable and affordable parks and recreation facilities and activities that will enhance the quality of life by promoting good health and well-being for all residents and visitors of the Palatine Park District.
Paranormal Investigators present findings during Hunt the Haunted
Saturday, October 20 2012, 2 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
On Saturday, October 20, paranormal investigators will present the findings from their investigations of two historical Palatine locations. “Hunt the Haunted” will be held at Cutting Hall Performing Arts Center located at 150 E. Wood Street, Palatine from 2:00pm to 3:30pm.
Paranormal investigators from the Ghostland Society investigated Clayson House and Cutting Hall in Palatine within the last several months. Presenters Scott Cashman and Mary Marshall will let us know what they found during their investigations in Palatine and will also share the details of other investigations during their presentation. When the Paranormal MD team investigated the Clayson House in Palatine, they accumulated over 50 hours worth of video coverage and another 48 hours of recorded audio, along with photos and miscellaneous data of atmospheric changes that may have occurred during their investigation. They are still reviewing all the data looking for any anomalous activity that may be indicative of a ghostly haunt. According to Mary Marshall, “It is going to be exciting to play these previously unheard voices of the souls that seem to inhabit The Clayson House for those people in attendance at the Reveal.”
Hunt the Haunted presenters Cashman and Marshall both teach at Harper College in Palatine. Mary Marshall is the founder and director of The Paranormal MD, a paranormal investigation group. As a paranormal researcher and educator, she has over 11 years experience in the paranormal investigation field and has been researching the paranormal for over 25 years. Scott Cashman, a cultural anthropologist, is also the Continuing Education Manager for Personal and Cultural Enrichment at Harper College. In his classes he provides an overview of the role of spirits across the globe.
Mary helped develop, along with Scott Cashman, one of the first Paranormal Studies Program in the country that is taught at an institution for higher education. This puts Harper College in Palatine, IL at the forefront, where she now works as an instructor personally teaching 3 of the many different classes. Her popular classes attract students as far away as Kenosha WI. She hopes that in sharing the knowledge it will create better investigators and researchers, and broaden people’s perspective and understanding of paranormal activity which ultimately will benefit us all. Although her focus is on ghostly type activity, Mary has been drawn to and interested in psychic phenomenon since the age of 14 along with the many aspects of theoretical physics including quantum mechanics.
Tickets for Hunt the Haunted can be purchased at Tickets are $15 each, $12 for
seniors. This show is not recommended for children. For tickets or more information call 847-202-5222 or order online at The Cutting Hall Box Office charges a $1 PER ORDER fee for all in-person or phone transactions. Online transactions are $1.50 PER ORDER. No refunds or exchanges. All ticket sales are final.
For more information on Hunt the Haunted, contact Cultural Arts Coordinator, Carol Lange, at 847-496-6237 or [email protected]. To learn more about Mary Marshall or to find more information or answers to some common questions regarding ghostly activity, go to For more information on the Paranormal Investigation program at Harper College, visit
Cutting Hall Performing Arts Center is a facility of the Palatine Park District. The mission of Palatine Park District is to provide a variety of safe, enjoyable and affordable parks and recreation facilities and activities that will enhance the quality of life by promoting good health and well-being for all residents and visitors of the Palatine Park District.